Arm and elbow pain can be caused by a number of reasons including muscular imbalances, overuse, trauma and more. By utilizing soft tissue therapies and rehab exercises, we can decrease muscular tension which will decrease pain and prevent it from returning.

Treatments We Provide For Arm and Elbow Pain

To help with arm and elbow pain we utilize chiropractic adjustments, Graston, and rehabilitative exercises. The treatment you will receive is based on your condition. A combination of all of these is usually best for long-term results.
Symptoms of Arm and Elbow Pain May Include:
  • Pinpoint pain
  • Pain when holding a weight
  • Pain with turning motion
  • Weakness
  • Numbness and tingling 
Our Treatment Process
Chiropractic Care and Home Care

For you to get the best results in Charleston/West Ashley SC, included with your treatment at Carolina Spine and Sport we will give you exercises to do at home. These are important for you to stay on track with your care and start feeling better faster. We also have personal training where you can get more time with the trainers to help strengthen and stabilize your body further.